LCA Grandparents' Society

Become a Member of LCA's Grandparent Society

Grandparents and grandfriends play an important role in the lives of our student Saints at Lakewood Catholic Academy. Not only do they support the education their grandchildren receive at LCA, they also bring joy, love and wisdom like no one else can. We are blessed and honored to spend each day caring for your most precious gifts — your grandchildren!

As grandparents and grandfriends are often the foundation of their families, we invite you to become part of the foundation that supports Lakewood Catholic Academy. With an annual gift to LCA, you join our Grandparents' Society, helping to ensure LCA's premier Catholic education remains available for students of all ages for years to come.

Your Gift Makes a Difference, No Matter the Amount

Gifts of $2,500+

  • Naming rights for a brand-new picnic table on LCA's backyard property along the beautiful lakefront.
  • Receive an exclusive LCA Grandparents' Society plush throw, canvas tote and coffee mug.
  • Recognition as a GRANDparent in the Annual Report and on the digital donor board.

Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499

  • Receive an exclusive LCA Grandparents' Society plush throw, canvas tote and coffee mug.
  • Recognition as a GRANDparent in the Annual Report and on the digital donor board.

Gifts of $500 to $999

  • Receive an exclusive LCA Grandparents' Society canvas tote and coffee mug.
  • Recognition in the Annual Report and on the digital donor board.

Gifts of $250 to $499

  • Receive an exclusive LCA Grandparents' Society coffee mug.
  • Recognition in the Annual Report and on the digital donor board.

Gifts up to $249

  • Recognition in the Annual Report and on the digital donor board.

Make Your Gift and Support the Saints of LCA

Grandparents' Society

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Your Grandchild(ren)
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